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In-District Application

Steps to Apply

  1. Complete application form below or contact us with questions.
  2. A Seaview representative will call you within two business days.
  3. Grades K-6 who reside within the Port Angeles School District, please contact your school’s administrator or counselor to notify them of your intent to transfer.
  4. Grades 7-12 who reside within the Port Angeles School District, please take this form to your school counselor. Your application is not considered complete until you have completed that paper.


Seaview Academy Application

Completing this form will allow Seaview Academy to move forward with processing your application and request academic records from your previous school. If you provide an email address, you will receive a copy of your records request.

Student Legal First and Last Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Student Preferred Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Parent/Guardian Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
I certify that I am a parent/guardian and am legally allowed to make school enrollment decisions for the above named child.required
Seaview attendance preference:requiredIf you answer part-time on this question, please mark which school your student shares time with.
If you answer part-time on this question, please mark which school your student shares time with.
When do you want to enroll?required
If your student attends Seaview part-time, please select the school that they share time with.

Previous School Information

Please add information about your student's previous school. This will allow us to contact the school for the appropriate records.
Please use two letter code for state (i.e. Washington = WA)


Please select each type of record you would like for us to request from your student's previous school.

Special ServicesrequiredExamples: IEP, 504 Plans, Behavior, Speech
Examples: IEP, 504 Plans, Behavior, Speech
Highly Capable / Gifted-Talentedrequired
How did you hear about Seaview?required
Students in an online school need regular access to Wi-Fi. Do you have Wi-Fi available to your student?
Please use this space to list classes you would like to take at the shared school.



Under public Law 93-380, now amended in Section 99.32, PL 93-568, no parent signature is required for educational records sent to another agency.  (May 1980).

However, we are still requesting a digital signature from you to include in our records. By signing your name in the box below you are stating that the above information is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge. This digital signature is equivocal to a written signature.

By signing your name in the box you are stating that the above information is true and accurate.